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Many hormonal responses that the body generates are initiated in this area. The limbic system contains glands which help relay emotions. The hindbrain contains structures including medulla oblongata, the pons and the reticular formation. The brainstem is comprised of the hindbrain (rhombencephalon) and midbrain. The cerebral cortex is also segmented in cortical areas which are functionally or anatomically defined. The primary visual cortex, which receives and interprets information from the retinas of the eyes, is located in the occipital lobe. The occipital lobe is associated with interpreting visual stimuli and information.

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The hippocampus is also located in the temporal lobe, which is why this portion of the brain is heavily associated with the formation of memories. The temporal lobe is the location of the primary auditory cortex, which is important for interpreting sounds and the language we hear.

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The parietal lobe is associated with processing tactile sensory information such as pressure, touch, and pain. The frontal lobe is associated with reasoning, motor skills, higher level cognition, and expressive language.

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The Terminologia Anatomica (TA), the international standard on human anatomic terminology, developed by the Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT) and the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), released in 1998, defines two additional lobes : The limbic lobe, associated to emotion and memory and the insular cortex, associated to pain and some other senses. Traditionally the cerebral cortex is divided into four sections, which are known as lobes : english These neurons communicate with one another by means of long protoplasmic fibers called axons, which carry trains of signal pulses called action potentials to distant parts of the brain or body targeting specific recipient cells. In a typical human the cerebral cortex is estimated to contain 15–33 billion neurons, each connected by synapses to several thousand other neurons. Each bump on the surface of the human brain is known as a gyrus, while each groove is known as a sulcus. The brain’s wrinkled surface is a specialized outer layer of the cerebrum, called the cerebral cortex (what we see when we look at the brain). Preserved brains have a grey color, hence the name grey matter. In most people, the language area is mainly on the left. The right half controls the body’s left side. The left half controls movement on the body’s right side. The human brain is divided into right and left halves (hemispheres).

  • The brainstem (Hirnstamm, tronc cérébral), that sits beneath the cerebrum in front of the cerebellum, connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls automatic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and blood pressure.
  • The cerebellum, or little brain (Kleinhirn, cervelet), that sits at the back of the head, under the cerebrum, controls coordination and balance.
  • The cerebrum, or telencephalon (Grosshirn, cerveau), that fills up most of the skull, is involved in cognition and also controls movement.
  • The operations of individual brain cells are now understood in considerable detail, but the way they cooperate in ensembles of millions has been very difficult to decipher. Even for present-day neuroscience, the mechanisms by which human brain activity gives rise to consciousness and thought remain very challenging to understand: despite rapid scientific progress, much about how the human brain works remains a mystery. Through much of history, the mind was thought to be separate from the brain. From a philosophical point of view, what makes the brain special in comparison to other organs is that it forms the physical structure that generates the mind.

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    The brain is the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals.

    Guile 3d studio sdk